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Notfallanfrage für dringenden und kurzfristigen Bedarf
Benötigen Sie kurzfristig Sicherheitstrainings oder Ausrüstung/Inspektionen?
Bitte nutzen Sie die folgenden Kontaktinformationen
Higher up

Safely home

We are a certified training provider according to GWO

Protective equipment

Sale & Rental

We offer an extensive selection of personal protective equipment for you to purchase or rent.


Safety trainings

We offer an extensive selection of different safety trainings that you can book with us.

Our services

Certified safety trainings

Safety trainings and instructions according to GWO and DGUV standards.

Equipment inspections

Inspection of fall protection equipment by our qualified personnel according to DGUV guidelines.

Rental & Sale

Rental or sale of personal protective equipment (PPE).

Practical & well-founded

Our safety trainings

In our safety training courses, we use practical simulations to create a realistic learning environment. By recreating concrete situations, we enable participants to gain a deeper understanding of the content covered and promote effective application of the knowledge they have acquired in their everyday work.