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Who we are

We are SWAT Academy, your experts in safety training and personal fall protection equipment!

Our team consists of experienced specialists who will teach you the latest safety standards in our training courses and make you aware of how to use personal protective equipment. Our training courses are certified in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Wind Organization (GWO) and guarantee you practical and well-founded training.

Contact us

Why us

Our many years of experience and our highly qualified staff speak for themselves.

Different trainings
Years of experience
Trainings carried out

Our team

Yvonne Just


Yvonne Just is the Managing Director of the Swat Academy and has extensive knowledge and experience in our business field. She has specialized in the requirements and challenges of the industry, particularly in the area of safety training and the use of personal protective equipment for working at height. Her leadership role requires not only a deep understanding of the technical aspects of training and equipment, but also of the strategic direction and development of the company. Yvonne brings a passionate and committed leadership personality to her role, which ideally positions her to lead Swat Academy in its mission.

Josha Von Hofe

Head of Training

As Head of Training, Josha von Hofe brings extensive experience and expertise in the areas of GWO/DGUV Training and Offshore Training & Gear Solutions. Josha is passionate about training people and developing their skills. His expertise spans across various areas including First Aid, Manual Handling, Fire Safety, Working at Height and more. With his dedication and expertise, Josha is instrumental in ensuring that our participants receive the best possible training.

Marcel Themlitz


Marcel Themlitz is an experienced trainer at the SWAT Academy. With his many years of experience in the field of safety training, he has established himself as a valuable member of the training team. Marcel specializes in practical training methods that aim to prepare participants not only theoretically, but above all practically for use in real-life conditions. His expertise covers a wide range of safety topics that are essential for working in extreme conditions. Marcel is known for his enthusiasm in passing on his knowledge and is always keen to continuously improve the safety skills of his course participants.

Pascal Raub


Pascal Raub is an up-and-coming expert in the field of IT. With his fresh view on the company, he helps to make processes more efficient and to transfer them into the digital world.