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Notfallanfrage für dringenden und kurzfristigen Bedarf
Benötigen Sie kurzfristig Sicherheitstrainings oder Ausrüstung/Inspektionen?
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Inspection Request

What we inspect

Our qualified team provides a thorough inspection of your fall protection equipment in accordance with current applicable guidelines. We make sure that your equipment is not only working effectively, but also safely. Your safety is our main concern and we always strive to provide you with the best service.

We provide expertise testing for the following equipment/machinery:
  • Personal protective equipment against falls from a height
  • Hoists (chain hoists)
  • core shroud ropes (climbing ropes)
  • Steel ropes (arrester systems)
  • Climbing protection runners and rails
  • Rescue equipment (Milan, ASG HUB, etc..)
  • Truss systems
  • Fixed ladders
  • Anchor points

Contact us for more information about the equipment you would like us to inspect.